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    1. T

      Engine Trails How about some kind of trails like at 5:15, some trail blocks just for aesthetics? The way engines are now looks rather weird, apparently being propelled by inert bubbles of plasma. Or for in the future, when/if the speed limits increase, maybe those...
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      Astronaut Stasis

      One block, one person, requires little power, and essentially functions as an attachable ship core. For example; you place it on your ship, your passengers get in it, and they'll be invulnerable, but they cant do anything but get in and out. When the ship core gets destroyed, these blocks...
    3. T

      Implement Server ?Sharding?

      The highest I\'ve currently seen on a server is about 56 people, and the lag was horrible. we would need to stabilize servers more, and wait for more people to play this game until we make radical decisions. Also, think about how many people would spawncamp and annoy beginners
    4. T

      less deafening ship core noise

      I know it's cool to have some engine sounds, but it doesn't matter how much I set the volume, the engine noise doesn't lower itself. It's really annoying and I've heard alot of people talk about it on servers.
    5. T

      Weird spiky entities and graphics.

      I fixed it; I increased my memory to 1024, because my game wasn\'t running as smooth as I wanted. Now it\'s at 512, and my fps is a bit lower, but I don\'t have those annoying spikes anymore :)
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      It would have infinite range because it is a beam weapon; thus making sniping ships possible. If not, it would be a guaranteed hit weapon.
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      The European Coalition (EU)

      I laughed so hard at your application, that\'s the truth +1
    8. T

      Ship Core Entrance.

      A block, serving as entrance for the core. Must be linked using build mode, to prevent stealing of ships. This is to stop the need for exposing your ship core all the time.
    9. T

      Weird spiky entities and graphics.

      So this shit is what's happening to me now. I am on my own multiplayer server. I didn't have this yesterday, and I didn't update yet. Me and my friend were exploring, nothing weird or something, no high speed limits, everything normal. We landed on an ice planet, I looked to the right and this...
    10. T

      The European Coalition (EU)

      Name: Ace Steam Name: tibbert1234 Age: (rather not in public.) Nationality: Dutch. Why do you want to join?: This faction has an adequate name, it\'s European, I feel somehow responsible for this faction, so I want to help where I can. I can provide advice in engineering. Locations and order...