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    1. notorious1212

      FreeBSD Dedicated Support

      Please allow FreeBSD to launch the dedicated server instance. It currently defaults to Windows mode when launching the server.
    2. notorious1212

      Problem launching dedicated linux server.

      Ok, I\'m gonna pretend like I know what\'s going on and assume that since I\'m not on Linux, it\'s trying to launch the windows version. I see plenty of .dll referenes for the missing component, but there is no .so. i\'m assuming dx means directx. i don\'t know. I\'m using FreeBSD to run the...
    3. notorious1212

      Problem launching dedicated linux server.

      Thanks for your response. No, I did not watch the video. I was fairly comfortable executing the few commands listed here: I did just watch the video, and it was an indepth detail about executing the same commands. I don\'t think there is...
    4. notorious1212

      Problem launching dedicated linux server.

      goddamn this editor
    5. notorious1212

      Problem launching dedicated linux server.

      Hello. I've run into a slight problem trying to launch the dedicated server on Linux. # brian at boole in ~/StarMade [23:37:34] $ ./ [VERSION] VERSION: 0.09373 [VERSION] BUILD: 20130625_204549 #################### StarMade ####################### # version...