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    1. C

      cant launch sandbox

      Well that got me on the right track and I did end up getting the game to work! What I ended up having to do is: Created a new folder in the root of my C:\\ for the game. I right clicked the folder and noticed it was set to read-only. I removed the read only attribute of the folder. Went...
    2. C

      cant launch sandbox

      I grabbed a screenshot of the error, but it was too large to even fit on the screen. I broke it into 2 screenshots, both here: It looks like it may be some sort of permission problem? Although I\'m not sure why it can\'t access files as I am running the launcher as...
    3. C

      cant launch sandbox

      I\'m having the same problem. Although I\'ve never been successful running StarMade. I\'m running Windows 7 64-bit and reinstalled Java (both 32 and 64-bit, version 7 u25) and have rebooted the computer a few times. I\'m running the launcher as Administrator and I\'ve double checked and the...