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    1. N

      the new update

      i dont know anything that has been changed i havent had time to mess about with it but im sure there is a thread somwhere in the forums discussing changes this thread is ONLY for people having trouble updating
    2. N

      the new update

      ok alot of people are having trouble with the newest update since the v9 launcher dosnt seem to work for updating at the moment however you can always manually update which goes as follows (these instructions assume you are using windows 7) download the newest version of the launcher...
    3. N

      lost secondary ship after death

      best i can do here is descirbe what happend so be ready for alot of useless text i was in a generated neutral station building a second ship (made out of the strong black hull if it matters) when i suddenly come under attack by pirates so i get in my other ship and take to the stars killing as...