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    1. G

      [WIP] Van'gast Traveller [Update: Exterior on Progress]

      The Van'gast Traveler Is a ship that provide travellers/merchant/civilians etc, a place to meet and exchange goods or information, Van'gast is the place to relax, or sell the rare item you from a planet ruins or simply sociallize with friends..once finished the Van'gast will travel sector...
    2. G

      Citidel Mass effect?

      How long do you think to construct a "1:1" scale citidel of mass effect? with all the features? or is it even possible? ??
    3. G


      My First Spaceship/Station Name: Thanatos Since it's not big enough xD i've change the name Status: 100% Features: -Bridge -Lobby -Docking Bay -Engine room Screenshots: Angled Front Right Side Left Side Back Inetrior Lobby...