Search results

    1. N

      New Pulse Weapons

      Does the actual pulse effect only go as far as the big bubble graphic goes? Because then you would have to be right up next to a ship thats not moving.
    2. N

      New Pulse Weapons

      What are your guys thoughts on it? I'm downloading the update right now so I haven't tried them.
    3. N

      Equinox (NCC-72381) Nova Class Research Vessel

      Can I download this? I don\'t see a link
    4. N

      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      This seems like a good idea yes, even 500 per slot would be good for me lol.
    5. N

      Tractor Beams

      I think they should ass Tractor Beam blocks. These would lock on an enemy ship and slow it down. The larger the enemy ship the hard it is to slow it down and the more tractor beams the easier it is.