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    1. C

      Suggestions for future updates

      Yes, a lot of people misunderstand my stance on the catalogue. I love the saving your ship feature but I hate how lazy jerks go raid a pirate base and get billions of credits (this is actually the shops fault) to buy a overpowered ship that they spent no time building and no effort designing...
    2. C

      Suggestions for future updates

      A very good point is being made here. The planets being rare might be s problem for some people. I can see what you mean after looking for an ice planet for a long time. But i think there is a little confusion as to what I mean. I do not mind planets being numerous and easy to locate. What I...
    3. C

      Suggestions for future updates

      A very good idea skulltaker! But I believe that something simular to warp drives is being added in a future update. But what do you mean by phasers?
    4. C

      Decorative Blocks

      So, lately i've been seeing a lot of really neat ship designs. But what intrigues me most is when I see people making very creative interiors of their ships. The outside of a ship may look awesome but what about the inside? The part that your crew walks around in? For some people, the interior...
    5. C

      Suggestions for future updates

      Thanks everyone for commenting. I totally understand that civilization will take forever for schema to do so I\'m not going to rush him. But an overhaul of the entier combat system would be fantastic and doable very quickly. If you want to know exactly what I think should happen, just read...
    6. C

      Suggestions for future updates

      Hello, i'm kyle. Let me start by saying that I adore starmade and I would play it over minecraft any day of the week. That being said there are a few things that I find could use improvement, and a few things that should be added. I understand that starmade is in alpha and that is why I think it...