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      Once this Plugin API is introduced servers will explode just like Minecraft.
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      Teleporting more Exact

      Hello, I don't know if this is just me, but I honestly think the teleporting for admins should be more exact. If I teleport a player it should teleport them to my exact location(Or this is what I feel it should do) But it teleports them to the middle of the sector. Also if I teleport to them, I...
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      CCH Starmade Sever 24/7 No Lag

      Everyone should join, its a really fun server.
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      Wanted: Forum Mod

      Well, if your looking for forum mods I\'d be grateful to help. I have moderated many things before. On some Minecraft servers for instance I have been chat mods and such. I also have been webmaster of a few sites before and since I had to run a site with a forum I had to learn how to moderate...