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    1. C

      HMS Cloudsdale Blitz - Battlecruiser class ship

      Thank you for the the tips. I will keep them in mind when I build my Titan, the HMS Harmony.
    2. C

      HMS Cloudsdale Blitz - Battlecruiser class ship

      This is my first ship, so constructive criticism would be appreciated. There will be 5 turrents added in the future. Pictures: Stats Mass: 1109.4 Thrust: 1380.4 Power Recharge Rate: 47158.9 e/sec Power Capacity: 59825.2 Shield Capacity: 76371 Shield Recharge...
    3. C

      Royal Equestrian Space Fleet

      I\'ve been looking for a faction to join, and this would be perfect! I\'ll check out NASS once I finish a decent ship in single player.