Search results

    1. shadohuntr1

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      It\'s in beta, so only a few people have the IP. The server will be open later
    2. shadohuntr1

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Captain_Olimar Age: 46...
    3. shadohuntr1

      Question about ownership

      Currently, no it doesn\'t do anything. The game is only in Alpha and will probably be released as a full game at a later date.When that happens you will own the game, free accounts will not. Right now the purchase is just supporting the devs.
    4. shadohuntr1

      Desolation Anarchy | Survival | No blueprints | Missions/Encounters | Modified Economy | Modified Bl

      IGN: Captain_Olimar Faction: None Your age: 17 Do you agree that your IP will be logged an could be banned if found breaking the rules or exploiting? Do you understand StarMade is in Alpha and bugs will occur possible server wipe? Do you also understand pings over a certain amount will not be...