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    1. P

      Help with using weapons.

      The weapons aren\'t there. I have already tried that.
    2. P

      Nerf Pirates

      Just build a box out of hardened hull and fill the insides with weapons and shields and such.. BAM. You\'ve got your own battle box.
    3. P

      Help with using weapons.

      I built a big ship and put 500 missles and a few hundred Antimatter cannons. I also put a lot of power. My problem is that the weapons don't show up on the hotbar. I made sure they are connected to the computer. Do I need more power for them to show up?
    4. P

      Help with save file.

      Where can I find the save file of the game? Not the ship files. Also when I updated my game and started up thw world woudn't load. It freezes and crashes on the Spawn screen. I'd appreciate any help.