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    1. T

      Various conceptual ideas

      Love your ideas. I agree that things need to move more instead of being static, I mean our universe is constantly moving. And it would be great if planets have things on them, to encourage exploration. However the seats idea is .... odd. If you use a gravity block you can tie yourselves...
    2. T

      My Suggestions for the game

      I like all of them except the hijack part, there has to be some sort of control for that, to prevent griefers. Otherwise great. Thumbs up from me.
    3. T

      LONG POST - Several Suggestions

      So I've been playing for a while and I had a few suggestions to do with various things, mostly the AI options and Space Stations, which I realise are hard to program but bear with me, and feel free to pick apart everything. Also as it says in the title, this is a very long post. Weapons...
    4. T

      Salvage Cannon Help

      Possibly a bug, or maybe your beams just aren\'t strong enough, I always put at least 4 in a line, and it seems to work fine. Try that, if it doesn\'t work, it\'s a bug.
    5. T

      Newbie here with a few weird bugs

      Hey guys OP here. The bug where I get put in a random spot when exiting flight mode seems to be tied to where I was when I last used the gravity device. Hope this helps fix the bug
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      Newbie here with a few weird bugs

      Okay, I kept on going (had to go through the things about 5 times) and it finally loaded, but when I got warped to the other side of the planetoid randomly, 3 pirates came and destroyed my ship. So that\'s two bugs down, one to go. I loved that little ship, oh well, I\'m going to build a...
    7. T

      Newbie here with a few weird bugs

      Hi, I've been playing for a few hours today, just stuffing around and I noticed a few weird bugs, was wondering if anyone had any solutions yet, or if these are new bugs being reported. 1 - I can't seem to go near planets. I can see them clearly off in the distance but it takes ages to get to...