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    1. Duke

      Cryostasis Pods

      Well, sure yeah, but why not activate that person\'s gravity as soon as soon as they log in?
    2. Duke

      Cryostasis Pods

      You might be able to automatically set gravity as soon as your buddy logs in, for the block would be tied to the entity, for this idea is pretty much useful for just ships.
    3. Duke

      Cryostasis Pods

      Yep, so one person can continue to fly a gaint flag ship, for example, and all his buddies will log on, and not be floating out in empty space.
    4. Duke

      Cryostasis Pods

      I was thinking it would be neat for multiplayer to have a block where you can log off at, and when you log back on, you'd be with that block. So you can have it on a ship, and the ship can continue voyaging around when you log off, and when you log back on, you will spawn in that ship, even if...