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    1. P

      One small suggestion.

      Something that seems to be missing from this game is the ability to invert clicks. This will help me and many other builders who came from minecraft, and might mess up a energy generator, and be forced to redo it.
    2. P

      Cannot find pirates or planets

      If you wnat good ships, mine astroids and ICE CRYSTALS
    3. P


    4. P

      Ship Cores

      I fully support.
    5. P

      Teleporting away from your ship when you get out

      A solution for this would be to never have your ship on the planet, and use a one-block ship to get to and from the planet.
    6. P

      Time lords faction

      Well... i knew something like this would pop up sometime. I think it would be kinda hard to make a TARIDS-shaped ship that can travel faster than most ships... and still have a good weapon system setup....
    7. P

      Yogscast just made a video

      I have found that destryoing abandioned space-stations are a good way to get hull. Just look up how to get a harvester to do this. On a multiplayer server, however, make sure that it is abandoned before doing this as it could get a person very mad at you and make you get blow up a billion times.