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    1. Matticus88


      So, The wiki says Box Dimension + Count of Modules = Duration of cloak. Does this mean that the in-game description about the area of the cloak isn't correct? So all i need to cloak any ship is to have enough power and 1 cloak block, and that would clock even a huge ship, albeit for a very...
    2. Matticus88

      The Cold Ones

      We are the cold ones faction. We play on this server ( And we are now recruiting. I have built a Home base on a planet thats not too far from spawn, its taken me around 2 days to build, and its not yet completed either. I have to build a storage room, a barracks(where each...
    3. Matticus88


      I think it would be great if we could design and build our own "stargates" that would link together within the faction that owns them, and can be used to travel from gate to gate. The larger the gate, the more power it would require to even function, using a underpowered gate could result in you...
    4. Matticus88

      My Base :)

      Here are some screenshots of my base, Click on link to reach the album(there is 10 screenshots), they are all 1920x1080p so a bit large to post in full size on forum...
    5. Matticus88

      Hello from Matticus88!

      Hello hello hello. My name is Matt. Saw yogscast play it... liked it.. saw its price... purchased it immediately!. Looking forward for future updates and more stuff!