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    1. Lyle_Shnub

      Question for schema in post. "Weapon Control Block" proposal.

      Okay, I\'m assuming you\'ve played Minecraft and know how simple it is to create new blocks, no? Well, StarMade uses the same system for texturing blocks. It\'s pretty easy. It\'s also easy to take existing block properties and just scale them upwards. It\'s not creating any new mechanics or...
    2. Lyle_Shnub

      Auto-Repair module

      So this is basically like a cheaper version of just entirely replacing a ship, huh? Seems cool. Seems possible as well what the blueprints like you said. Personally, I\'d like to see the module only work on non-ship entities. This would give additional incentive to have and protect a base...
    3. Lyle_Shnub

      Credits for Ship Designers

      Basically it would be cool if the person who designed a ship got a share of the credits whenever someone else buys it off the catalog. In addendum, I think it would be cool if there were more stats like how many times ship X has been purchased and who purchased it. Though obviously getting ship...
    4. Lyle_Shnub

      Buying Large Ships Bug

      Just confirming that this seems to be an issue for me as well. Then again, it might just be a coincidence that only my largest ship is unable to be spawned. Also, you can still use a shop from one of its ends (or at least that was the case with the one I was using) where there\'s hardly any...
    5. Lyle_Shnub

      Question for schema in post. "Weapon Control Block" proposal.

      I don\'t think my idea is very much work at all and certainly wouldn\'t require a total redesign of the game. Just give separate textures to blocks like thrusters and AM-cannons and then pallette swap for the various ranks. As for the numbers, it\'s just simple multiplication to get the numbers...
    6. Lyle_Shnub

      Question for schema in post. "Weapon Control Block" proposal.

      Why not just have different ranks of weapon blocks that function the same way except are worth more of the basic block? Example: Current Anti-Matter Cannon x5 = Lv. 2 Anti-Matter Cannon x1 Current Anti-Matter Cannon x25 = Lv. 2 Anti-Matter Cannon x5 = Lv. 3 Anti-Matter Cannon x1 This...