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    1. V

      Hologram Designing

      There can be a blueprint item that you can edit. it would place a holographic view of the ship that only you and possibly friends u want to help you with can see with maybe a designing table block of some sort. Then when your done you can put the blueprint item into a builder computer block...
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      Advance Build Mode Ideas

      Another idea, that would render most if not all the exploits away, would be hologram designing. There can be a blueprint item that you can edit. it would place a holographic view of the ship that only you and possibly friends u want to help you with can see with maybe a designing table block of...
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      Advance Build Mode Ideas

      Well its better fixing all the weapon computers than building an entire ship
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      Advance Build Mode Ideas

      Oh forgot 1 more 6. Expand/Shrink(scale) Multiplys selection either by 1x2, 2x2, .5/.5, ect So you can take ships and make them smaller or bigger so you can take a fighter or small frigate, and scale it up to a battleship!
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      Advance Build Mode Ideas

      1. Copy/Paste be able to selected parts of a ship/station and copy paste it so not to waste time building the same thing over and over again. 2. Flip/Mirror in conjunction with copy/paste, the ability to change the facing of multiple selected blocks! 3. Select/Replace Be able to replace all...
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      How to Import Ships on Single or Multiplayer

      \"Find the name of the file you downloaded and put in there and click it.\" All i see is folders of the named ship, and data and the folders for turrets. there is no file that the manager lets you select! So what am i doing wrong or is the current version (alpha V0.09382) not working?