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    1. alicheek

      Brierie's Dedicated StarMade Server

      Brieries Official Forum Post for - Brieries Dedicated StarMade Server Website Discord Server Server Hostname: Explore: Venture out and discover enemy stations, outposts, and planets. Even go where no one has gone before... Deep Space! Design: Purchase, manufacture...
    2. alicheek

      Exiting (normal) because of exception java.sql.SQLDataException: data exception: string data, right

      Exiting (normal) because of exception java.sql.SQLDataException: data exception: string data, right truncation; table: ENTITIES column: UID [2013-10-20 06:20:49] java.sql.SQLDataException: data exception: string data, right truncation; table: ENTITIES column: UID [2013-10-20 06:20:49] at...
    3. alicheek

      Seems to be an issue with some one connecting and the value is null

      [Jun 20, 2013 2:51:52 PM] STDERR: [ERR] connection made. starting new processor 58780, /; local: 4242, /, keepalive false [Jun 20, 2013 2:51:52 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] [SERVER] connection registered [Jun 20, 2013 2:51:52 PM] STDOUT: [OUT] [SERVER][PROCESSOR] client setup...