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    1. Z

      Power Generation - Cracking the code

      Just make long lines of energy cubes, each line not touching. Or you could do the cube thing where you make the edges of a hollow cube with the power blocks. Either one will provide the same amount of power if you use the same amount of blocks.
    2. Z

      Decent economy set-up?

      I was helping MichaelSeph test his changed multiples on NASS, and he set the Pirate station loot multiple to .2, so that you would get less amounts of items, but he increased the multiple for loot diversity, so you would get more varied amounts of loot. I went to 4 pirate stations, from the...
    3. Z

      Power Generation - Cracking the code

      Yes, the \"block\" dimension of efficient power regen blocks isn\'t necessary. You can have straight lines without any touching of these blocks, and it will have the same power regen as if you used the same amount of blocks to make the axes of a cube. So you could make efficient use of space by...
    4. Z

      Power Generation - Cracking the code

      If you made those graphs in Excel, right click the line, and hit \"Add Trendline\", and in the box that shows up, try different fits (Exponential, Logmarithmic, Linear etc.), and check the \"Show Equation on Graph\" option. Find out which trend line makes the best fit, and tell us what the...