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    1. R

      Full size star destroyer Update

      there shall be no weaknesses, other than to shear firepower
    2. R

      Full size star destroyer Update

      it\'s easier to build the whole thing, and then gut it and otherwise reduce costs wherever possible, as well as that it is also possible to simply spawn ships in from your admin commands free of charge EDIT: i also built a millenium falcon when i got bored of building the star destroyer...
    3. R

      Full size star destroyer Update

      which is 1600 meters long and 1015 wide
    4. R

      Full size star destroyer Update

      it is much bigger, it just doesn\'t render in
    5. R

      Full size star destroyer Update

      so ran into a problem, but i managed to fix it and the design is going well so far here is the front... [/IMG] and here is the guts of my design [/IMG]
    6. R

      New Casual Server Looking for a couple more Players

      i would love to build and mine on your server, i was never a huge fan of unwanted PVP
    7. R

      Looking for players for my server. (SKYPE REQUIRED)

      Age : 18 i would also like to just play the game, build large ships, explore and maybe get hunting parties together to go take down pirate star bases, also mining, as well as that i am not at all aggressive and wont destroy anything or otherwise troll
    8. R

      Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

      i would never ever dare build a liberty Type star cruiser, although you could have some artistic flair with it considering that each one was unique
    9. R

      Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

      i will soon be making a full 1-1 scale replica of an Imperial -I class star destroyer, keep in mind that the Imperial I class star destroyer is 1,600 meters(5249.344 feet) long and around 1,100 meters (3608.924) wide in the back tapering to around 80 meters in the front here is an image of about...
    10. R

      Massive FPS drop when large entities are near eathother

      While playing the game i was flying my star destroyer around with is comprised off about 87000 blocks however if i get near another large thing such as a starbase or a planet i experience a massive FPS drop where i get about 1 FPS
    11. R

      RLPtheGiant has beamed in

      Hi i am RLPtheGiant, and i am now the proud owner of a copy of StarMade (have no idea what buying it got me other than what looks like an old N64 or similar cartridge with the the starmade logo on it) I'm looking forward to seeing just how well this game progresses and running parallel to that...