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    1. S

      Plexdoors and remote control

      But that mechnism is of no use because the beam cant pass through the opened (invisible) plex-doors and though you cant hit a docking block that is behind the doors. a switch blockis nessecary
    2. S

      Plexdoors and remote control

      Hi i have a suggestion to make. I came up with the idea when trying to build a hangar for my spaceship. 1. A block to add, next to a plex-door layer with that you can remotely open/close the plex-doors by using your docking beam for example, because landing, exiting ship, open door, enter...
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      Docking bugs

      I experienced such bugs myself but think i tracked it down a bit already. 1. When using a dockingbeam and a Gravity module on your ship is active game crashes! 2. When pressing SHIFT and/or movement keys to stabilize/stop movement in planets gravity and then using dockingbeam game crashes. I...
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      Genrally good idea the \'Ait-*thing\' but before starting to invent new features i think the developer Schema wants to make the game run smooth with the existing features in my opinion. Lots \'Basic-features\' in game have still so much bugs that needed to be tracked down i think we shouldn\'t...