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    1. K

      New player models coming up.

      Good thing there will be new player models... the old/current ones are... not the best in terms of design. (and they creep me out)
    2. K

      Wedge PlexDoor Block

      +1 i approve
    3. K

      FTL Shipbase

      you should rebuild the fed. bomber, its too tiny. also, the rebel rigger\'s AMCs fire backwards and the docking ports are broken. ps: its Kestrel, not Kestral
    4. K

      Resource gathering. Tanks and collection systems.

      Another awesome post. Yup.
    5. K

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09398: Physics lag fix

      can you implement a server config line that allows ships of any size and shape to dock on a minimal docking space? (if you havent done that yet)
    6. K

      It's time to implement Chain Docking + 2 other features

      +1 for chain docking +1 for changing direction of docked ships +1 because someone brought this up yet again :D
    7. K

      Some AI Config Elboration, Please

      More AI configuration possibilities would be great. ive also noticed the spawn shooter thing, its pretty much the msot annoying thing ever. best solution to get rid of the AIs: ask admin to remove them via /destroy_entity
    8. K

      KOL battleship project

      The KOL Battleship is just awesome, its like a kodiak cruiser, just better :D (You should build the Akkan or Sova next ^^)
    9. K

      USS Excelsior NCC-2000

      The Excelsior Class has always been one of my favorites, seeing peopele always building the constitution class made me kind sad, im really exited how this will turn out! Great work so far!
    10. K

      Thunderdome | 100 players | Dedicated 32gb ram

      so people dont just download a ship, instead of building
    11. K

      Command to spawn a shop?

      sadly, not
    12. K

      Factory Improvements - RELEASED!

      Installed it, ive been playing with it for an hour or two, and saw that the plexlights still cost a ridiculous amout of credits compared to lava, that also works in the same way, and looks cool too. could you \"fix\" that? Anyway, i hope this mod gets put into the game xD \"You can\'t...
    13. K

      skeletron ship

      to dock the skull to the torso, you\'d have to remove the tiny docked ship, chain docking doesnt work, but the ship looks better than most of my ships anyway, so yeah ^^
    14. K

      Elysian Plains Server (Mining economy!)

      The server seems to be down for me :/ i just found out, theres another server on
    15. K

      USS-Enterprise full scale

      He is building the canon 1701 from what ive seen, the 2009/darkness enterprise isnt considered canon, because it is the result of time travel, thus making it a parallel universe. Also a 725 meter enterprise would dwarf most \"prime universe\" vessels, as they are mostly in the range of...
    16. K

      Elysian Plains Server (Mining economy!)

      No Whitelist? MINING IS USEFUL?! wow, great one! checking it out ASAP. also, there should be a way to make items more expensive/cheaper, try to make manufacturing useful too ;)
    17. K

      A New Era [Faction Server] Serious server! (WHITELISTED)

      Username: Kowalski Previous Experience: Quite a lot, ive been playing starmade for about a month now, im also an old minecraft veteran. Im also the leader of the most powerful faction on the MadRealms server (SalvageCo/SalvageCo_Wing) Reason: Im looking for a \"safe hiding spot\", i...
    18. K

      Warp Drive

      Well, some sort of warp drive for ships would be good because its booooorrriiiiinnngggg to fly trough sectors at constant 50km/h, and fly for minutes just to reach your base. Some dicussions ive seen about it here: \"but you could just warp out of combat!\" yes, but you would have to lower...
    19. K

      I was on the hunt for pirates and found them, I guess...

      happens every now and then, its a bug because the default isanth doesnt have a bobby AI module that could control the AI, when the game realizes that, the ships will be \"dead\"