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    1. S

      Developers Please Read!!!!! Performance Fix!!!

      Integrated graphics doesn\'t exactly have memory per se, so anything that cuts down on memory use is big news, as it means less time spent accessing your computer\'s memory. It\'ll help if lag comes in sudden jolts. If you can\'t so much as land on a planet and get off again even on a server...
    2. S

      Acctivation block/wiring system

      I was thinking along similar lines. Note: The phrase \"connection\" refers to the standard c and v key connection system, not block adjacency. My idea adds: -\"Dark Lights\" -\"Forward Timing Circuits\" -the ability to connect lights to eachother and plex doors Connecting lights...
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      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      That\'s the whole point of different ship classes. What I was getting at is that a ship of similar size will be able to punch through the regen and the lower shield bank per firepower means that the ship will just melt. Missiles are actually amazing, they just suck against shields. Once you...
    4. S

      Source's of Fuel

      I\'d prefer if power blocks stayed in but fuel using blocks were simply better powerblocks that used fuel to operate. The increase in powergeneration due to larger dimensions would also be accompanied by an increase in fuel consumption, that way there\'s no worry about using it on small ships.
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      Exploit to Make Missiles Ignore Shields

      I\'ve also done this. I did the math and my frigate should not have been able to dent the regen of my target. What I did is fired my missiles, then fired my antimatter cannon until my missiles were recharged and then fired my missiles again. Went right through and blew up a huge chunk. And then...
    6. S

      Flexible weaponry systems

      Basically, allow computers to control other computers. Currently, you can actually make a solid wall of cannon or missiles, if you connect them to different computers so that they don\'t form one big gun. Diagram: 1 for attached to computer 1, 2 for attached to computer 2 121212121 212121212...
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      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      Hard coding the limits to ships is not the way to go. People will find ways around it, and if small ships become the best ships, everyone will simply have swarms flying around, increasing the lag factor dramatically. The whole \"square root effect\" on shields already makes large ships rather...
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      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      Different sizes of ships don\'t need different speeds, that part is fine as it is. Bigger guns have a slower rate of fire would not solve the problem at all. They would simply make a lot of smaller guns on their big ship. As for missiles vs antimatter cannons, missiles are useless against any...
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      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      The thing is, even if huge have a higher speed, they\'ll still be at a manueverability disadvantage. An aircraft carrier may go twice as fast as a speed boat but it\'s at least 20 times the length. To a huge dumb-fire missile, it\'s still ten times easier to hit. Fighters really shouldn\'t be...
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      Fighting Gigantism in Starmade

      I know I\'m a little late here, but it hasn\'t been too long since the last post, so... What everyone seems to be ignoring is why people build huge ships. In reality there\'s nothing else to do with that money aside from do something like build a station (which is pretty much the same...