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    1. T

      Missiles Don't Do Damage to Core?

      I found that missiles (all varieties) really don't do much damage to a ship's core. A BB missile launcher with 16 units, when launched, will easily destroy all of the hull blocks of the default Isanth in one hit. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do any damage to the core of the ship, so now I...
    2. T

      Appeared at my old ship

      Thanks :D Is there any way to get a complete list of all the commands?
    3. T

      Appeared at my old ship

      Last night I was playing around in single player, and built a massive bomber/miner in order to harvest the goodies from the asteroids. I built it underneath some random planet that I found, and left my old gunship there. I then flew the new ship away, in some random direction, to try and find a...