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    1. R


      I understand the basic mechanics of the game and the importance of working on bugs... but air would be easy to impliment and just as important as any other current mechanic in the game. Plus, this IS the stage to impliment new parts into the game. Implimenting it later, would only cause more...
    2. R


      I hate refering to another game as a means of explaining my point, especially one where this inspiration derived from. Let's not beat around the bush, when we mentions "ploxel" games. Minecraft has the complexity of handling building, mining, chopping, growing and others that it plays into...
    3. R

      Fins and wings

      I understand the need for making things look better or adding chairs that an entity could actually sit in. Honestly, I would like it so that when I am playing with friends, that they can climb into my spacecraft and sit somewhere without being able to affect my ship. Currently, if I want them...