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    1. S

      Power Generation and Perma Cloak/Jam Table & Calculations

      CyaNox posted the generator equation on the forums, and I put the equation on a wiki: Unless Schema changed it again, recently, the energy output of a power group is: 2000000 / ( 1 + 1.000696^(-0.333*(SumDimensions/3)^1.7) ) - 1000000 + 25 *...
    2. S

      Thruster grouping mechanic

      I\'m trying to investigate the equation that governs the exact amount of thrust. It\'s not simple like the Power Tanks (which add storage as Tanks^1.75). It\'s also not the same as the Power generators. What I know so far is that: (1) each thruster group is calculated separately, and the...
    3. S

      Power Generation - Cracking the code

      I\'m sorry, I\'m getting confused, here. It may be because I\'m not familiar with the TI-89. What does this mean? \"{179*3, 178*3, 177*3, 176*3, 42, 5} -> x:\" Is your calculator taking \"179*3\", converting that into 537, putting 536 into the expression for \"x\", spitting out a result...