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    1. Fates

      power consumption and power output display

      this might actually be a nice feature to have in a later release with a newer UI layout, not sure ho well it may wtok out but it is Key Info every player should have on their ships, maybe it could go on a secondary view like the Tab player list so that you can check on the info regularly but not...
    2. Fates

      Development update #4

      if you'd like some help with the UI I've got some ideas I'm willing to share, making it slimmer and possibly still keeping to the current theme
    3. Fates

      Player Position

      Player positions upon log out are not read properly when loggin back in, placing players almost randomly within the sector, normally the player is moved about 20 - 30 blocks away from where the logged out but there are more extreme cases where the player is almost banished to the edge of the...
    4. Fates

      Turning thrusters/thruster overhaul

      I think this could be explored a little but as for the main issue with turning speed, if they made it that huge ships could turn on a dime like small ones that would defeat the purpose of the game, so what if it's a game why should we throw physics out the window. In space you still have limits...
    5. Fates

      Fates Wants In [Application]

      So, I want in to the Alpha-Alpha dev builds. Ask me what you want to know, but I'm pretty sure I'm more than qualified to help out, but go ahead and try me if you like
    6. Fates

      My ten cents (or 4,000,000 odd credits)

      at the same time he does have a point though, how hard is it to find 2000 of a specifc PowerHull, sure you can make them in the Factories but if you don't knwo any recipes or are just bad at using factories your doomed to never get more of an item unless you hunt down more shops which are spaced...
    7. Fates

      PLexLander Issue

      The Plex Lander is Great when you dock your ship it works like a charm, but as soon as you log out your ship core glitches into the plexLander, which isn't so fun, and also it's currently almost impossible to undock from a PlexLander, I've tried at least 20 times and only succeeded twice and...