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    1. M

      A request that probably everyone would agree on

      Thanks schema. You hit the nail in the head! This is a perfect feature for the game. You got the AI just how it'd amaze anyone. And you added what everyone loves: Personalisation. The fact that you can set options on AI is a great idea. Although I was quite dissapointed that you didnt add a...
    2. M

      A request that probably everyone would agree on

      Hi Schema, First of all, it's a pleasure to be one of the first people to pick this game up from the beggining. I am just writting this article to propose you some new features that would really make this game amazing. I understand that you are allready working hard on space stations and...
    3. M


      The Deathstar Bots dont come on automatically do they? You should make this automatic
    4. M

      Crash without any purpose

      Yes, that's happened to me aswell, as soon asthe new update came out (v 0.05), the game crashes after playing five minutes, it just stops! not even a message saying error