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    1. MrNoty

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      Really interesting, thanks! Is it usefuul to place capacitor on the docked reactor? And how do you calculate that i need 1700 beam?
    2. MrNoty

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      Why do i need 2 computers? I've never tried docked reactor so sorry if it's obvious . Also, how can i check if i got enough power supply beam?
    3. MrNoty

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      I am really interested in docked reactor, I have designed a 23x23x23 cube that produce 1,1 million power, would this be good? is there a video or somethig explaining how it works?
    4. MrNoty

      500 meters vertical ship power layout

      Hello, I building a replica of the ISA ship from Killzone wich is a vertical ship. I've made it 500 meters tall and i'd like to have a really high power regen, so i'd like to know, what is the best layout for it, rows, Full block, Big optimized cubes?
    5. MrNoty

      Have you bought Starmade?

      I bought 3 at once without even playing it haha
    6. MrNoty

      Hell Miner 01 - Industrial Salvager (rail arms)

      Nice design ! I just love seeing rail moving ^^ I forget to mention, my salvager is a planet salavaher wich hover above them whil slowly eating it's way trough them. The problem with my design is that the salavgers are pretty weak so i need lots of them for it to be efficient, wich cause a lot...
    7. MrNoty

      Hell Miner 01 - Industrial Salvager (rail arms)

      Thanks man =p, I'm planning on making a bigger one with the same style called the inferno.
    8. MrNoty

      Hell Miner 01 - Industrial Salvager (rail arms)

      Hello, first i'd like to start by saying, i'm sorry for the grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language but i'll do my best =p. So, i've recently finished my industrial salaveger. It took me a good week from start to finish but i loved working on this ship. I don't know how to upload a...