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    1. S

      Going towards full HP-system

      Yes. 2D side scrolling game with crafting, exploring, fighting, traders, quests, bosses, many weapon, armour sets and many paints for customization, common, uncommon and rare items, biomes, multiplayer, non linear progression and full of action... Do you really think Starmade world is infinite...
    2. S

      Move Turret Axis from Advanced Factory to Standard

      What about factory upgrade system instead of merging? There is also something like Factory Enhancer. But Idk for what. It may be simple one of a factory upgrade and enhancer block would be turned into a factory contoller.
    3. S

      Going towards full HP-system

      I noticed. Terraria is more complicated.
    4. S

      Going towards full HP-system

      More about shops Base prices in shop should be X if you sell and 2X if you buy (at least in linear model). Other modificators: If there is no a commodity in the shop its actual selling price (you are selling not a shop!) should be close to 2X. If (quantity_of(commodity) = n and n < N) then...
    5. S

      Going towards full HP-system

      Ad 1. There is: Grey Hull --> <color> Hull (with paint) -> <color> Standard Armour (with capsule) --> <color> Advanced/Crystal Armour (with ingot/crystal) Would be: GH -> GSA -> GAA, GX + paint -> <c>GX, where X isin {H, SA, AA} Crystal Armour as example of enriched advanced armour Ad 4. Let X...
    6. S

      Going towards full HP-system

      I guess System-HP is in its own early access. It is rather unfinished. There is some simple way to finish the system and make the game even more interesting. There is possibility not only to implement coherent concept of armour system but also some interesting method of upgrade. First of all...