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    1. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Bug Pixel Format not Accelerated

      thadius, can we talk in the chatbox? thadius, can we talk in the chatbox?
    2. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Bug Pixel Format not Accelerated

      How can i find out if my OS is too old, also is there any other way to gte around this other than downgrading the os?
    3. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Bug Pixel Format not Accelerated

      im having hisisue awell, i have windows 10, i dont know if that would affect it but ireally need help
    4. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Experiex Shipyards

      Hi guys my first challenge was to make a ship with the only colors being yellow, orange, and pernurple. You may think ewww how disgusting it would look, BUT NO i made a sorta good looking light support corvette (correct me if wrong class) that was good enough for me to name it, i have decided to...
    5. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Experiex Shipyards

      Hi guys im TheSauceisTheboss. A while ago i thought while my game was down, why make massive ships that take many hours to complete? Well at Experiex Corps Shipyards Ive been actually having FUN creating cool ships. i try to keep them small but sometimes i make a bigger one for some fun. If you...
    6. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Game wont Launch for Launcher

      can i just paste the text?
    7. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Game wont Launch for Launcher

      would it be to big if uploaded it unzipped?
    8. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Game wont Launch for Launcher

      it had an error uploading the zip , what should i do?
    9. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Game wont Launch for Launcher

      ok mine does the same thing but i tried changing memory and that did nothing, please help me.
    10. TheSauceisTheBoss

      Bug Singleplayer stuck at "connecting".

      Hello please help me recently when i have tried to start star made on singleplayer without an internet connection and it becomes stuck in the "connecting" state after i clicked start at the settings menu, im downloading the update right now so i will update you if thats fixes it and if my world...