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    1. Zel0t

      Warhead Damage

      Such a shame. Cant wait for them to be fixed. I cant think of annother weapon more satisfying to successfully hit with.
    2. Zel0t

      Salvaging dead pirate stations and derelict

      Bummer. Would be cool if atleast pirate stations would put out. As you just killed it much like a ship. It does and they drop often for me but is such a mess as its really a big lottery, wish pickup would be placed into the ships cargo. Unless it can and im just a noob?
    3. Zel0t

      Warhead Damage

      Hey sorry if im necroing. I am wondering about warheads myself. In my tests 1 warhead does ~38k damage to shields. And 2 (1x2) did ~70k They seemed like they would be quite usefull as they are really cheap to make. Also pirates and other bobbys wont shoot them if the torpedo doesnt have a...
    4. Zel0t

      Remote Salvage beam rotation?

      Been wondering this myself. Could you not hookup salvage/cannon plus logic to refire in tighter intervals to make it update more often? Ill try this out when i have time.
    5. Zel0t

      Salvaging dead pirate stations and derelict

      Soooooo is there a config or no? Like i said no one wants to get scrap to make into metal or crystal to add to their already 10m plus stock. Better to avoid them, Maybe if you joined my server. But then you would be the only one hunting pirates.
    6. Zel0t

      Salvaging dead pirate stations and derelict

      Hey guys. Ive looked but cant seem to find. But is there any way via configs to make dead stations give blocks instead of salvage. I feel like this would reduce the ammount of hyper expansion and system reaping ive currently got going on. Even with planet sizes of 500 and a faction bonus of 15...
    7. Zel0t

      Question about turrets

      Bummer. I edited mine as well but haven't tested. guess it wont work for me :(
    8. Zel0t

      World Corrupted?

      After some brute force shotgun debugging......... I have Successfully Recovered my world. I needed to delete chatchannels.tag FLOATING_ITEMS_ARCHIVE.ent FLOATING_ITEMS_ARCHIVE.ent.old SIMULATION_STATE.sim uniquePlayerCount version Afterwards i needed to re create factions but not a big deal.
    9. Zel0t

      Question about turrets

    10. Zel0t

      Question about turrets

      Well if i can hack the config then that's even better,. ;) im assuming that turrets move at a minimum anyway? or like if i put an enhancer with +1K mass will light turrets rotate instantly? not a huge problem but for the time being i suppose i can set the enhancers up.
    11. Zel0t

      World Corrupted?

      Hi guys. Im no java expert but hopefully you guys will be able to help me recover my world. Its definatly thew world as deleting it causes the server to run once more. The error thats getting spit out is. java.lang.NullPointerException at obfuscated.NL.fromTagStructure(SourceFile:546)...
    12. Zel0t

      Question about turrets

      Hey guys, thanks for the replys. Well i suppose in the mean time i can fix the turrets by using an insane amount of mass enhancers. I kind of figured it was physics but to clarify, if i have 15 or less turrets so base+barrel = 30 entities. everything runs fine at 30+fps. the moment i attach...
    13. Zel0t

      Question about turrets

      Hey guys not sure where to ask this, I've got a pretty massive turret with a bobby in it and it move so unbelievably slow. the turret is about 80 blocks long and 30 wide. and the ship has more than 600 rail mass enhancers, but they still move unbearably slow. whats going on? also the bobby's...