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    1. PietBergen

      Shield Helicarrier Project. (wip)

      I n our video, I already suggested a Zephyr as an interlude...
    2. PietBergen

      Shield Helicarrier Project. (wip)

      Ok, we don't all have super fast broadband so my upload took three hours while I was out... Bro's helicarrier... From my perspective.
    3. PietBergen

      Shield Helicarrier Project. (wip)

      The reason this doesn't look good yet is because it isn't finished... It is like many other things a Work In Progress. My brother was a little premature putting it out there but why not he is rightfully proud of the logic system and deservedly so. He spent 3 days building it and I spent 30...
    4. PietBergen

      Why Hunt pirates?

      It is my understanding that a pirate ship with storage on it, whether it has contents or not will generate a loot cloud. So if you have a load of blueprints in your ship list and your game is generating pirates using your ships rather than default Isanthe, unless they have storage on board they...
    5. PietBergen

      Shield Helicarrier Project. (wip)

      LOL indeed... I look like a flea on a dogs back!