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    1. Aman11


      I think it would be cool to have someway of having a display showing you what you have in a container or if cargo holds are added in then you can make it show you what is in there P.s. I got this idea from space engineers
    2. Aman11

      Land Vehicles

      That's aa good point but instead of all vehicles being limited to the same height maybe there would be some way to set it up that if you have basic hull blocks then you are limited to like 20 metres but if you have advanced then you are limited to like 100 metres I think there should be a way to...
    3. Aman11

      Land Vehicles

      I think it would be cool making a drop ship with land vehicles in it then fly over a planet and have the cars drop out onto an enemy base fnf7 style and maybe the ability to make the vehicles like you make the ships with only a core to start with
    4. Aman11

      im gona post a new ship im building soon im about halfway done

      im gona post a new ship im building soon im about halfway done