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    1. Lone_Puppy

      Rail Docker Logic Controls

      I have actually used logic before in many ways, to achieve the functions you suggest. Both sensing and reject docking The main problem I have is I want specific recall docking orientation of the docking entity, that has multiple dockers. Pickup points use to work well in the early stages of...
    2. Lone_Puppy

      Rail Docker Logic Controls

      Main idea is to allow for logic control to turn Dockers on your ship on/off. Especially if you have more than one. This would be seen in the hotbar as a faded icon or something to indicate it's inactive/disabled. Useful for; - preventing theft - preventing mothership recall docking problems...
    3. Lone_Puppy

      Atlantus Shipyard - Lantean Ships and Stations

      You planning to build the Destiny? Could start with a Shuttle to work out the docking then build Destiny.
    4. Lone_Puppy

      Why is there no UI re-size feature?

      Same reason there is no Universe Update. However, this is something that would be a welcomed addition for me.
    5. Lone_Puppy


      How did you get it to work? Does it require you to run it from inside the starmade folder or something? I didn't think the newer textures and blocks would work.
    6. Lone_Puppy

      When was your personal "golden age" for StarMade?

      I think 2015-2016 for me too. A big fan of the computer, logic and rail system, I enjoyed making contraptions and machines. It was exiting with new updates coming out regularly with new features. Oh and I loved it when the etheral rails and the fleet system came out. I could see so much...
    7. Lone_Puppy

      Kupu's thread

      Wow! Nice to see you're still around and kicking kupu. :-)
    8. Lone_Puppy

      What happened to Starmade?

      I'm kinda in the same space boat. ;-) I've been unable to play games due to family and personal events impacting time I would normally use to play games. When I do get time, I tend to play on my home server messing with old projects. It would be nice to finally see a universe update. I must jump...
    9. Lone_Puppy

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      You'll find a lot of Star Trek stuff available now. People import 3D models and make them work. Should be some in the Content to download.
    10. Lone_Puppy

      MrGrey1's Shipyard

      Wow man!
    11. Lone_Puppy

      More than just wireless

      Yeah, this one has been requested in different forms by different players in the past. Great minds and all that. Still a valid request! I hope it or something similar is eventually added to the game somehow, because it has so much potential. Cargo pod manipulation and docking is my own interest.
    12. Lone_Puppy

      Logic interfaces

      For sensing your thruster speed you can already use the sensor block connected to a thruster block, but I like this idea better. Has more versatility.
    13. Lone_Puppy

      MrGrey1's Shipyard

      Oh that's one sexy beast! I feel like I've seen this one before. Is this a refit?
    14. Lone_Puppy

      MrGrey1's Shipyard

      Lol, love it!
    15. Lone_Puppy

      Trade and Economy idea

      One issue here is, I was under the understanding thatthe pirates and existing Trading Guild NPC's are to be replaced altogether. Pirates replaced by Scavenger NPC faction. Trading Guild replaced by Traders NPC faction. With NPC factions, you can generate many (not sure if there is a limit) and...
    16. Lone_Puppy

      Share Fleets With Faction

      I like your options. Very practical. Personally I would prefer a system where I could use player alias groups. I would just have your list in 1, built into the fleet and apply player alias groups or individuals to each option. This is so I could also include allies or individuals not in my...
    17. Lone_Puppy

      Allow factories on ships from a chamber

    18. Lone_Puppy

      Allow factories on ships from a chamber

      Yeah, it's default set to false in the server config. Change it to true and try it out.
    19. Lone_Puppy

      Allow factories on ships from a chamber

      It's allowed now. All server admin has to do is enable it for the server. I've tested it on my own server with no issue.
    20. Lone_Puppy

      Modding + QuickFire balance (dev build v0.202.0)

      Thanks man! I forget we can ask Duke.