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    1. benjwgarner

      StarMade News - November 9th 2015

      Here are my submissions :p 1) "What Happened to Alderaan?" 2) "What's Alien Ya?" That's what a basic deflector shield array is for. Otherwise, your ship would also be vulnerable to naturally occurring high velocity particles that break off of comets or are left over from collisions of...
    2. benjwgarner

      Launcher Public Beta Thread

      Definitely. Perhaps they could add a setting to enable or disable checksum verification in a single, combined gear menu? Also, Schine people, I was wondering about the plans for the future as far as the launcher/UI goes. As it is now, we have a launcher/updater that launches another launcher...
    3. benjwgarner

      Look captain, no hands! (Auto-Jumpdrive!)

      Yeah, it's not THAT hard to figure out, but I was addressing the points that Incap was making. My concern here (and what I'm speculating that schema's concern might be) is the threat of large-scale guerilla attacks. You are right, though, in that fixing the bug would fix that problem since we...
    4. benjwgarner

      Look captain, no hands! (Auto-Jumpdrive!)

      Reading my post again, it sounds a lot more antagonistic and self-righteous than I had intended. :P I just really get frustrated when people start creating a huge deal out of something like this when all OP was doing was trying sharing something interesting that they figured out. :( Incap, I...
    5. benjwgarner

      Look captain, no hands! (Auto-Jumpdrive!)

      I guess you've new to the internet since you've never seen any complex, specific game tutorials before in online communities (or perhaps you disagree with the concept on a philosophical level and feel the need to lash out against them whenever you get the chance). That was one of the most...
    6. benjwgarner

      Read by Schine Procedural backgrounds OP plz nerf

      What? No, they're not, that's ridiculo... wait... oh. Well, its great that they're in the game... Uh, nothing to see here folks, move along. Move along. :oops:
    7. benjwgarner

      Read by Schine Procedural backgrounds OP plz nerf

      I apologize for resurrecting this 3-month old thread, but I was wondering if you were still planning to make public the tweaks that you used. Could you please, please, please, PLEASE post what you did? Um, I mean, *ahem* I cordially request that you make your tweaks available.
    8. benjwgarner

      Question about planets.

      Well, I mostly use the planet for scenery :P I don't actually do very much on the surface.
    9. benjwgarner

      Question about planets.

      The only problem with that is that you can't use station-only blocks such as factories, shops, and warp gates that cannot be placed on ships.
    10. benjwgarner

      Question about planets.

      Thank you! This worked perfectly in 0.19289. In order to make sure that the torus was centered around the planet, I did the following: Choose a plate as the top and place a build block on it. Enter the Build Block and go down through the plate inside the core. Use the navigation menu ("N") to...
    11. benjwgarner

      Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD

      Well, this isn't a final standard so the rail basic can easily be removed. ;) The reason I included it was primarily for the rare cases in which fighters may need to dock to each other (a functioning fighter rescuing a pilot from a disabled fighter, for example) but, again, this is a community...
    12. benjwgarner

      Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD

      Yes, Neon does have that tendency, but over-engineering is an important job and somebody's got to do it. ;) We need some people to push the bounds of what is obvious or reasonable in order to make sure that we're not missing anything. You make a very good point about mounting small ships on...
    13. benjwgarner

      Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD

      Bigger Docks So far, larger docking standards have not really been needed because the only thing we are transferring seems to be an approximately 1x1x2 player. In the future, this may become necessary as new play styles or game mechanics are introduced (standardized cargo containers, anyone?)...
    14. benjwgarner

      New Councillor + Impeachment process

      Wow, thanks for all of the info! I'm glad to hear that everything is on the level; there were a whole bunch of vague, conspiratorial accusations flying around that didn't make very much sense.
    15. benjwgarner

      suggestion for everyone on docking

      Same here. For some reason, it also reminded me of the Kool-Aid man...
    16. benjwgarner

      New Councillor + Impeachment process

      (emphasis mine) I have no idea what happened at all, but there's something about the complete lack of information regarding this matter that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If the goal is to not make a huge deal out of something to avoid causing the community to implode over a trivial flamewar...
    17. benjwgarner

      DGS Spacefactory

      Very nice! I like the arthropod theme that you have going.
    18. benjwgarner

      New Core Element for Modular Components

      This would be amazing. Also, imagine the possibilities for freighters with individual cargo pods... :)
    19. benjwgarner

      Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD

      A StarMade Community Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD YouTube Video Video Transcript Hello, fellow StarMade players! As a docking and standardization enthusiast, I have been been following the development of the community's USD docking standard very closely and I am a big fan of the...