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    1. NTIMESc

      Lower symmetry indicator opacity (or give the option to)

      You can also edit the transparency of StarMade/data/image-resource/symm-plane.png e.g.:
    2. NTIMESc

      Any way to play build from July 2013?

      Older versions are available in the archive directory here: Index of /build/archive/
    3. NTIMESc

      impossible to turn off Shadows on MAC

      There is usually no need to edit the settings.cfg file directly unless the game won't start at all. Most settings can be changed in-game from the OPTIONS screens. Shadows are on the ADV. GRAPHICS tab. (PARAM. GRAPHIQUE AVANCÉ) Also, if you didn't have a settings.cfg file, I would guess that you...
    4. NTIMESc

      Weird visual thing

      That is debug mode. You can toggle it on and off by pressing F1+F10 It is also found in the settings.cfg: P_PHYSICS_DEBUG_ACTIVE
    5. NTIMESc

      Save game bug

      Things to check in order of simplicity: Did you accidentally change your in-game player name? Is there a problem with file or directory permissions? Install to a new directory that you have write access to (like your desktop) and check if saving works as expected.
    6. NTIMESc

      Unable to Delete Worlds in World Manager

      I have noticed, that if I delete a save, and then exit without launching a different one, a new save is created based on the name stored in the server.cfg If you try to launch it again, is it actually the save you deleted, or a new blank universe? Otherwise, it could be a problem with file...
    7. NTIMESc

      Radio blocks

      I like the basic idea, but not necessarily the introduction of new radio blocks. The idea of setting a frequency for wireless blocks has been suggested before. Would this be sufficient? The on/off state can be handled with an and-gate, but the part that I think might not work is activating all...
    8. NTIMESc

      Saving blueprints

      Other folders you probably want to save are server-database (which contains your saved SP universes), and templates (which contains any saved copy-paste templates)
    9. NTIMESc

      Neutral NPC harassment

      You can also change NPC_FACTION_SPAWN_LIMIT from the main menu, under LOCAL PLAY -> ADV. SETTINGS -> NPC -> "Max NPC Factions per galaxy"
    10. NTIMESc

      Textur error or bug?

      If it's just corrupt textures, then try deleting the textures folder, (...StarMade/data/textures). Then repair the installation by with the launcher by clicking the gear icon to the right of Build Version, click the SELECT NEWEST button, then click "DOWNLOAD SELECTED BUILD VERSION".
    11. NTIMESc

      Still can't get docked ships to unload cargo

      Here is a diagram that shows the correct setup, but it looks like you have everything correct already. I was just fiddling with this and noticed that the ship and station permissions reverted to never after a restart, so maybe check them again.
    12. NTIMESc

      Build Helper: Line

      I'm still not sure what it is you are asking for, but it sounds more like you are wanting a different line drawing algorithm that is less "greedy" when selecting blocks that intersect the line. When the line only cuts through, say 1/3 of three adjacent blocks, it has to select something. If you...
    13. NTIMESc

      Still can't get docked ships to unload cargo

      Have you set the filter on the storage modules to pull the items you want?
    14. NTIMESc

      Build Helper: Line

      The current Line build helper does this, but unless it's a very short line, or you are very skilled at moving and counting spaces in space, you will still want to build a scaffold. A really useful addition, when placing the second point, would be to show the component vectors of the line as you...
    15. NTIMESc

      Running Your Debian Server in RAM

      Nice job with the shell scripts. Regarding handling running duration longer than 24hours, instead of getting the current H:M:S, you can use the date format '+%s' to get the full date in seconds. Then use grep and sed to get the full date string from the screen session and feed that string into...
    16. NTIMESc

      Discord Alerts for Suggestions

      Don't forget there is a "Watch Forum" feature which can send you an email when a new thread is posted.
    17. NTIMESc

      Edit BPs in Shipyard

      I've been wanting this for a long time. I don't think it would be that difficult to add a replace block button to the materials list. But, you can't access the materials list in the Shipyard computer unless you actually start constructing the design, so that needs fixing as well. Also, I don't...
    18. NTIMESc

      Free Stations

      I don't see any reason to try and balance homebase protection. Servers can manage that stuff on their own. I do like the idea of lowering the default station cost. Maybe the 50k is for a building permit. We should at least get a complimentary build block!
    19. NTIMESc

      Map interface needs

      Hotkeys of course should be configurable, but I would suggest defaults of 'C' to center on position, and 'F' to plot path. Middle-click to plot path might also work well.