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    1. Master_Artificer

      What to call "Tech Points"

    2. Master_Artificer

      What to call "Tech Points"

      I really like the CAP abbreviation.
    3. Master_Artificer

      What to call "Tech Points"

      Is Cubatoms pronounced "Cube-ah-toms"
    4. Master_Artificer

      What to call "Tech Points"

      Core Control Units abbreviated is CCU which is alright, I like that. But it might confuse new people and think they need to connect them to the core, so the word reactor should be in their as well. Primary Reactor Points? Core Reactor Points? Reactor Control Units? hmm, RCU's... it could work.
    5. Master_Artificer

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      oh hey, I could have a big alpha derp gun on a dinky little plane with just enough power to move about and have shields and prevent the gun from losing charge. Now if I could have a block/camera system where I could "control" fighter wings and assign orders too (like world of warships or any...
    6. Master_Artificer

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      if that damned 2mill power cap is now gone with the new linear power generation system, then I wont need reactors on turrets, cause the whole point of that was to provide power to the gun and get around the 2 mill power cap with minimal mass usage. And I am okay with that (thank god)
    7. Master_Artificer

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      im fine with this, they can shoot once then gtfo or spend minutes recharging while dps boats whittle them down. And with fleets, you can always teleport to another friendly ship to take control if your ship is shot out from underneath you.
    8. Master_Artificer

      Ayyyyeee had to come back from the dead to give my congratulations! You rock!

      Ayyyyeee had to come back from the dead to give my congratulations! You rock!
    9. Master_Artificer

      Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error

      hopped on a school computer while mine is in the shop, and tried to log on. It worked, but as soon as I tried to save the ship "hot rod" to local I crashed and am locked out again. Nauvran therimmer96 could you reset my player data again so I can log in, I just wont save that ship this time...
    10. Master_Artificer

      Im'a leave the hat on in-case its cold when I get back k @[303591:Thadius Faran] ?

      Im'a leave the hat on in-case its cold when I get back k @[303591:Thadius Faran] ?
    11. Master_Artificer

      and now it will be a bit longer. ;-;7 have crew and power sorted out when I make it back!

      and now it will be a bit longer. ;-;7 have crew and power sorted out when I make it back!
    12. Master_Artificer

      neither were catchy thanks guies

      neither were catchy thanks guies
    13. Master_Artificer

      Lack of Crew update killed the arti :o

      Lack of Crew update killed the arti :o
    14. Master_Artificer

      its not a ded gaem, dont let memes be dreams

      its not a ded gaem, dont let memes be dreams
    15. Master_Artificer

      rip me

      rip me
    16. Master_Artificer

      Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error

      I guess never-mind about the "cant log into any starmade server ever" bug for me cause it wont matter anymore for me for the foreseeable future right now. If therimmer96 or Nauvran could make backups of some of my ships like "Dat Mast tho" the big brown cruiser with two hanger pods on the side...
    17. Master_Artificer

      Type 0 Null Pointer Exception error

      Uh Edymnion I think I caught your cold, haven;t played in a while and now can't log in Okay here is my starmade log from trying to log into cakebuild Oh, once I tried to log into cake it effects every single server I try to log onto :/
    18. Master_Artificer

      Why exactly is power broken?

      The problem is people in PVP love to win. they make a ship, and test it against another one of roughly equal size, then see if they can beat it, whoever loses is going to try and win the next time, so they either optimize or go slightly bigger (usually a bit of both). Fight again, and cycle...