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      Recognized PC

      I guess he would mean a scripting technique instead of a block-oriented technique. I can see the advantage.
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      In Developement Cockpits: Simple solution (remote core access)

      I like the idea of a "helm" or "navigation console", and sittable chairs that work with your alignment to the ship, not the world and are clickable to work, not using "sit". Scrolling through the turrets, yes; docked ships, no. You should have to manually access docked ships. These consoles...
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      procedurally generated horror mobs

      Every abandoned station I've ever seen had a gigantic hull breach. I just wish that abandoned stations had more to salvage than scrap, but that's another convo.
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      Camera enhancements

      Then you run into a problem of balancing resource potential with usability. However, I think you COULD use a Monitor screen, which when clicked on, immediately links you to the camera it's connected to. Different hud design, perhaps, so it looks like you're looking at a monitor. If that monitor...
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      Camera enhancements

      Ho, my god, a monitor would be a minor form of hell on a game like Starmade. Epically awesome, yes, but that sounds tough as all get out.
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      procedurally generated horror mobs

      The horror element is hard to pull off in a game like Starmade. It was done lightly, and done well, in the X series. You make the jump into Xenon space, and find you've come face to face with a god-forsaken fleet of the bastages. Nooope, you guys can keep this system. However, putting Scavs...
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      Anti-Gravity Fields

      The idea is primarily for planetary bases to neutralize gravity over a specific area, such that a ship can be built. Can't very well build a ship while the core is rolling around on the ground. Not altogether certain how that would work out. The same measurement and system as docking systems, I...
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      Restrict eject ship if at speed.

      Okay, that's wild. Then I'm going to end this suggestion by advising one and/or two things. 1) That you always appear inside the ship (I know why you don't, there's a small difference between leaving the ship and spawning in the world, and the ship is long gone). 2) Lowering the default. Even at...
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      Ejection system - sometimes you just need to punch out.

      Perhaps the "Eject Core" or "Shuttle Core" is a special core, cheaper than a ship core, but it has a severe limitation on what systems it can have onboard. Can only have ten blocks, can't operate any computers, etc. Or, if you're into it. Fit a warhead on it, and fling that sucker as a mega...
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      Restrict eject ship if at speed.

      At one point, my ship was moving at a pretty decent speed, I was messing around and accidentally hit the 'r' button, and in less than one second, there I am in the middle of space, and my ship is speeding off into the distance. I understand that sometimes bailing out at great speed is...