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    1. Elisar

      Bug Can't see anything (too dark)

      This is a screenshot of logic connections, all blocks appear dark as if they have a black overlay on them, selected blocks have a very dark outline and the little black tab between the two blocks is the logic line. I cannot see the shop or the trader when I spawned in either.
    2. Elisar

      Bug Can't see anything (too dark)

      I've double checked over all my specs and I'm within the requirements, I've done a few fresh installs going so far as to fully remove and add the game back.
    3. Elisar

      Bug Can't see anything (too dark)

      I've just redownloaded the game after 2 or so years of inactivity (yeah I know its been a while) and everyime I enter a new universe or spawn in eveything looks pitch black on its textures. No matter what settings I try to change or how close I get to a light source like a star I just can't get...
    4. Elisar

      Item collection

      Yeah I suggested this cause I believe I'm not the only one getting worried of having to place stuff in storage in the middle of the battle because of a full inv.
    5. Elisar

      Item collection

      I've been playing on the server for Starmade Online and raiding a lot lately. When I go raiding I always run into the problem of a full inventory while I'm collecting dropped items from the ships I've destroyed. I have a lot of storage modules on my ship that I can place this stuff in. Would it...