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    1. Zissou

      Is Star Made primarily a shipbuilding game?

      Yeah Starmade is a Sanbox game, but the most Space-games are sandbox games. This is the Starmade Sandbox: But i hope in the future Starmade is mor like other Spacesim Game with a sandbox like this ...
    2. Zissou

      What kind of playstyle do you favor?

      trading, fighting, exploring..
    3. Zissou

      Personal PC + Ship Core

      Hello, My Idea: Wehn you link der Personal Computer with the Ship Core you can go from the Personal Computer in to the Flyhing mod.
    4. Zissou

      Future of Starmade?

      Sounds Great! I have found this: "After lots of hours of work, a new system has been implemented: AI Universe Simulation. This system is a new layer on top of the AI, that is already in place. It abstracts a ship to a name, and can move it across the universe whether it's currently loaded...
    5. Zissou

      zigB 0.1

    6. Zissou

      zigB 0.1

      Hello! Here my first Ship, i try to add some Deatails but to 90% ist finished. Pics: Ship Outside: Hanger and Power/Shield: Crew Eating Room: Dr. Room: Bio Lab: Lab: Crew Personal Rooms: Cockpit: Captain Rooms: Waepons: 6 Autolock Missles 2 Deamage Beam 1 Fast...
    7. Zissou

      Future of Starmade?

      Hello! Is there any Big Plan for Starmade? What will the game be wen it is "finished" a Space sim with Quests and Npc Ship they flying around ? Or a Creative Building game like minecraft or Both? I mean Building a Ship is big fun but feel so lonly in the Space.. sometimes i shot the Trading...
    8. Zissou

      NPC Repair Station,

      Hello, My Idea is a Station wehere you can fly and let the Npc to the Work. They Reapeir damged Blocks and replace completly Damged Blocks. So the poor Trading Guild have a new Way do earn Money.
    9. Zissou

      Introduction thread!

      Sears! Hello! First sorry for my not so good english ;) I am 25 Year old man from Austria, I have seen Starmade in the Steamstore and must Buy it.. As Kid i played alot of Lego, most of the time i Build Castles but i also Build the one or the other Spaceship. Now i can Fly witht the Ship a...