Search results

    1. N

      servers down?

      for me too, i think they're working on "things"
    2. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Thanks for the tips! But do you also have an idea how to design the hull? Because I just can't lay any detail in my work and it's pretty damn frustratinig ;)
    3. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Damn your ships look so good... Any tips on designing one once you have "the shape" of the ship?
    4. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      But I pretty much liked the idea of having a exploration ship that will not be broken in some seconds, you said 3000 to 8000 mass but now you're going for 464 mass. Will such a sized ship have the same capabilities?
    5. N

      Make yourselfe happy, make a good looking ship

      Make yourselfe happy, make a good looking ship
    6. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Ahh, I see! That is indeed a good idea But what are the lengths of such a ship? Because I'm having a pretty hard time trying to calculate how much blocks and therefor how much mass ill have?
    7. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      What can i do with a shop module and what is a docked lander for planets?
    8. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Sorry i really have no idea, it was pretty quickly destroyed and I didn't really took the time to look everything up. However it's dimensions were arround 30 x 15 x 7
    9. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Thanks for your quick answer! But how do I calculate the mass (I'm noob I know ;) ) and how do I determine the target mass?
    10. N

      How do you create a reliable ship?

      Hey, So I started building a ship lately, it looked pretty cool and had some shields and good working cannons with sufficient power. But, a "raid" on my base (luckily it was a homebase) destroyed the ship I worked for so long. Now my question is: How do I make a reliable ship that doesn't blow...
    11. N

      Turret shooting?

      But if someone attacks me, do the turrets automatically start shooting at him/her? Because if i'm away and, for instance, my ship isn't docked. The turret won't attack people who start attacking the ship or station because i haven't set that specific faction to "war"?
    12. N

      Turret shooting?

      But how do you make ships red? Because if a ship starts floating near my station nothing happens, so when does it become a target?
    13. N

      Turret shooting?

      I was wondering, when does a turret start shooting (with a bobby AI module set on "any")? Will it also shoot friendly ships or does it just shoot everything?
    14. N

      Are you able to use LAN?

      Okay, so if I find my local IPv4 address other people can join? (sorry I'm really bad at these things ;) )
    15. N

      Are you able to use LAN?

      So if I open a singleplayer world other people on my network should be able to connect to it with the localhost:4242?
    16. N

      Are you able to use LAN?

      Hey, Does anyone know if you can use LAN to play together? Like in Mincraft where you open up a singleplayer world and then just click open to LAN and everyone who is on the same WiFi can connect? Novalar
    17. N

      Docking, Ship orientates weird!

      Well, what sort of videos should i be looking for, the game changes so much; there's almost no up-to date video. Oh, I'd be so happy if those would be changed, it just annoys me i can only get my ships docked looking at one place. Even if you buy one of those really big stations, all the docking...
    18. N

      Maxspeed Took my ship?

      Hey, So, i was mining an astroid, everything went fine until there showed up some pirates. I had changed the maxspeed to 150 to make everything a bit faster but then as i was running for the pirates I died (not knowing why) and there was a message that said something like: "do you really want...
    19. N

      Docking, Ship orientates weird!

      Sorry, but are you telling me I should press "c" when docking? Or do I just have to reshape my station?
    20. N

      Docking, Ship orientates weird!

      Hey! Yesterday, I bought StarMade from Steam and I really like the game so far. There's only one thing that bothers me: If I dock on my finaly made station, the ship docks orientated the wrong way. Where it should be facing up, it now faces right, which is pretty annoying ;) Any help would be...