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    1. Apofail

      Zerk 2015-03-02

      Hello :) Here is a small Drone / light fighter in the style of other ships I is currently Equipped Amc Amc + and Missile lock Mass 95.6 Length 16m / 17m Width / Height 10m Good game...
    2. Apofail

      Suros V2 2015-03-02

      Hello :) Here is a version of the splint a bit more muscular, with plenty of room in addition I made this version with two hangars at each end but eventually I gave up the idea for lack of height (9 box that was passed 15 without aesthetic ...) then it is not a titan: D 4 Turrets Amc / Amc /...
    3. Apofail

      Scrip 2015-02-26

      Hello has all:) I present you Scrip, Robotics Warship Pirate C.Y.L.A.B Aggressive design, the inside is going to be soon made (it will be put has in the daytime) I share if some possibly wishes to use(get) it as pirate, what would once be complicated armed(equipped) completely Here this...
    4. Apofail

      Suros 2015-02-26

      Hello has all:) I present you Suros, Robotics Warship aggressive Pirate C.Y.L.A.B Design, the inside is going to be soon made with some other details outside (it will be put has in the daytime) I share if some possibly wishes to use it as pirate, which would once be complicated armed...