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    1. M

      Cameras and flight control

      Is it not possible for a non forward facing camera to control flight? I took off all the cameras on my ship except for one on the bottom to see if I could use it to control the ship to easily land it on a flat surface. Only get limited control, not full control including rotation or mouse...
    2. M

      Salvage beam group only firing one beam?

      Thanks all for the replies, I'll go with the checkerboard pattern for now, not ready to start messing with logic. Thanks again to you Crimson for building the World Reaper in the first place and sharing it with the community. It's an amazing ship, both beautiful and functional.
    3. M

      Salvage beam group only firing one beam?

      Thanks, I thought that might be what it is. What I don't understand though is the ship I downloaded still has all the salvagers grouped like your first picture, i.e. no space between the blocks, and yet all the beams fire. Screenshot for reference.
    4. M

      Salvage beam group only firing one beam?

      Hello all, new Star Maker here. Been playing less than a week and have been working on a salvage ship. Most of the tutorial videos and info I'm finding is out dated but through trial and error, forum digging and even downloading and reverse engineering ships, I'm starting to figure things out...
    5. M

      Shield blocks

      Yep, you were right, must have misread or misunderstood that those were needed in addition to power. I'm guessing they weren't previously required based on the tutorials I've seen? Thanks though, was racking my brain trying to figure out what was wrong, never dreamed it could be that easy!
    6. M

      Shield blocks

      I'm having the same issue. Running the latest build. I thought maybe power could be causing this but even removing all shield blocks save 1 doesn't fix the issue, still no shields with only 1 shield block, 150 power blocks, and 100 power storage blocks. Admin load of the ship doesn't fix the...