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    1. Broomsage

      Broomsage's Shipyard

      Hello! This is a place where I will post all of my failed ships for random passers by to admire. Also! This is a place where I will post things before releasing them. I like to save up designs and post them all at once so everything finished you see here will eventually become available...
    2. Broomsage

      Ammunition as an Addition

      Weapons that use ammunition should NOT inflict more damage per shot than weapons without. -But they should be able to inflict damage faster, weapons are currently limited only by the rate at which ammunition is manufactured, but you could have the weapon system continue manufacturing...
    3. Broomsage

      Trade route system AI convoys

      The devs want to simulate economy and interstellar faction relations. So how does a booming economy manifest itself? Through trade! Currently ships spawn and restock shops yes? But they don't really do that anywhere else. Warp gates have indicators of linkage on the map and so should trade...
    4. Broomsage

      Starmades's economic climate.

      Starmade has infinite resources. Why is that not a big issue? 1.There is no real goal in starmade except to have fun. Its not competitive. Mining is not fun, we don't want to do it. You wouldn't mine if you didn't have to. 2.Starmade has a relatively small amount of players. A player needs a...
    5. Broomsage

      Brainstorm This Use total factioned mass to measure influence

      Ships planets and stations are what you use to claim territory, mine, control, and interact with the environment in starmade. And all of these things have a numerical ranking based on the mass of their components. Mass can be moved, it can be sold, traded and stolen. Mass can be created by...