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    1. Pflame

      Armour Block Comparison

      So how does 25% defensive punch interact with advanced armor that already has .8 reduction? Does it reduce damage by 25% before splitting between block HP and armor HP? Does damage split between armor HP and block HP and then 25% is reduced from just the block HP? I'm still confused.
    2. Pflame

      Armour Block Comparison

      Along the same lines on conversation, what are the caps and ratios for the new Pierce and Punch passives? How do they add to this topic?
    3. Pflame

      Uplink Issues - OAuth token/401 - since 20th December

      So is the fix going to be reverting account name to the case sensitive version it was before? Wouldn't this mean if we started playing on a new server in the meantime that as soon as the fix hits we would have the same problem on that server but in reverse? The new server would be expecting a...
    4. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      While I'm disappointed I still can't play with my friends (ironically I bought the 3 of them the game with the 4 pack deal, and I'm the one who can't play!), I appreciate you guys making this a priority and communicating the issue to us.
    5. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Registry is still down, same 401 error from last night. Please please have this fixed asap, all my free time to play this weekend is quickly disappearing.
    6. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Still not working here, giving up for the night. Hopefully its fixed when I get off work tomorrow.
    7. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Windows 8.1 64
    8. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      It doesn't :P Still not working.
    9. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Still down for me :(
    10. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      So now I can get onto any server except the one I was playing on, I'm getting the error: "Server Reject: this login name is protected on this server. You either aren't logged in via uplink, or the protected name belongs to another user." So for some reason it's all of a sudden thinking I'm not...
    11. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Tried clearing client cache and it didn't fix it. I don't get it, I was playing an hour before and my info has always been saved now suddenly it doesn't work. I logged out and reset password and it's still not working.
    12. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Ya my info has always been saved and suddenly now it doesn't work, I logged out and reset password and its still not working. Wtf.
    13. Pflame

      Uplink Issues

      Having same problem, can't log into the game. This sucks.