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    1. P

      DustCleaner 2014-12-11

      I kept thinking something was shooting at me when I turned the camera, or couldn't tell a pirate was actually shooting at me due to dust distraction. You can turn it off in the options, but then you can't tell when you're moving versus stopped, or which direction, which is actually useful. I...
    2. P

      GoDeeper 2014-12-11

      Based on BearishMushroom's original DeepierDepths mod, updated to work with current version as of, well, today, who knows how long that'll stay working. Anyway despite the lack of height information in the alpha of the normal maps, I've attempted to reconstruct at least the derivative of height...
    3. P

      (Shader mods) Bearish's Super Mega Mod Thread of Doom

      Mod's broken. Dev changed something in the shaders, added a layer, broke everything. I managed to fix it locally and am pondering what to do next.
    4. P

      Anyway if you want it, I can send it to you, if you'll update the mod and keep it updated...

      Anyway if you want it, I can send it to you, if you'll update the mod and keep it updated! Otherwise I may just post it as my own mod.
    5. P

      Anyway I had an idea using Finite Forward Differences to approximate the derivative of normal in...

      Anyway I had an idea using Finite Forward Differences to approximate the derivative of normal in direction of eye vector to use to approximate delta height, made a 2nd order differencer and tuned it so it seems to work. It's not perfect---since there's no actual height info, I'm only using...
    6. P

      I kinda updated your Deepier Depths mod to work with the new shader system (he added an extra...

      I kinda updated your Deepier Depths mod to work with the new shader system (he added an extra layer, etc., broke everything) and realized you seemed to be sampling the normal y or z component and treating that as height somehow? I'm surprised it ever worked, unless you preprocessed your normal...