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    1. A

      Make Warp Gate routes not visible for everyone

      Additionally you should not place an inter-dimensional gateway beside your most important world. It would be wiser to place it a little ways away from your most important sectors to prevent unintended consequences. The open gate must be defended with ships and intelligently placed. A faction...
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      Make Warp Gate routes not visible for everyone

      You have built the gate the same way you have built the games economy, its politics, and its technology. Though the gate physically manifests as your possession it is also a part of the environment. It drastically changes gameplay in the region around it by connecting distant sectors directly...
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      block hp increase, since shields are hard to make

      I don't find it that interesting. Not that it is unreasonable to find it surprising; it is counter intuitive. the problem is that weapons scale very non-linearly right now. small ships can't carry enough weapon blocks for the numbers to overwhelm their opponents and so they have to fight longer...
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      Make Warp Gate routes not visible for everyone

      *Below this post is a more concise and forward explanation of my thinking. I suggest that be read instead. I sincerely apologize for the double post but believe it is for the benefit of the community in this case. I was merely stating that making the gates invisible corrects the issue. Making...
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      Armor vs Shields effective protection scaling (with explanations)

      I disagree. I feel that the size of the ship should be largely irrelevant with respect to the effectiveness of armor and shields. Instead I feel that each should play a role; Armor is ideal for protecting isolated portions of a ship and shields protect the ship as a whole. To adjust the...
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      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      why not allow cameras to rotate their view within the cone of their angle. when zoomed out you could rotate the camera to offset your ship relative to the camera focus, allowing you to see where your going, but not allowing you to rotate entirely to the side such that side cameras are still usefull
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      Make Warp Gate routes not visible for everyone

      I do not feel that warp gates should be faction locked nor do I feel that Gates should be indestructible (or even disproportionately armored.) I feel that much of the frustration regarding gates stems from there vulnerability. If the gates are not visible it will be highly difficult to locate...
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      Armor vs Shields effective protection scaling (with explanations)

      I agree that armor needs to be revised, however I am unsure about the scaling factors involved. First I will outline my assumptions about utility. I see shielding's role as: Protection across the entire surface. A useful tool for defending the entire vessel from attack. I see armor's role as...
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      Make Warp Gate routes not visible for everyone

      I agree that the current warp-gate system is flawed. I am not as confident that visible warp gates do not have a limited utility. Perhaps warp gates that have Radar Jammers become invisible on the map unless you have the scanning power to reveal them. This would enable enemy factions to find and...