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    1. Cazadragones

      Construction of the Titaner XA-102

      for me, the visual center its the center of the design, I can continue the building just after of end the visual center, i can´t begin the building in other point, because it´s more confuse for me
    2. Cazadragones

      Construction of the Titaner XA-102

      I started building the ship in the bridge controls, because it was the visual center of my design, I drew the ship in paper, and then I'm going to the game. Now I will finish surface design before making the interior, plus I have to get some practice in weapons tools creating fighters.
    3. Cazadragones

      Construction of the Titaner XA-102

      I have spoken of SMEdit, remains compatible? if so could fix it by moving the core with it.
    4. Cazadragones

      Construction of the Titaner XA-102

      but, how i can now change the Shipcore position?
    5. Cazadragones

      Construction of the Titaner XA-102

      Actual data: Mass: 1142 Length: 707m, Height: 210m, Width: 55m
    6. Cazadragones

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      I would feel insulted if only aspire to that. XD (my Goddesship CAN fit inside the Death Star). Haha, the Goddesship would certainly be a trouble for those with poor computer... XD
    7. Cazadragones

      Unknow Graphic Card

      Yay!!!! Very thanks too much!!!! I can Play now!!! Yay yay yay yay!!!!!! :D Infinite thanks to you Inseriously!!! Thaaanks!!! ^.^
    8. Cazadragones

      Unknow Graphic Card

      So what should I do?? Sorry I´m Spanish
    9. Cazadragones

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      I wonder which class name would a ship with about 1,000,000,000 Mass :D Still not started because I could not start the game, but I've already made up my mind, and I am determined to create that barbarity. It would be a mothership of motherships, the first goddesship, capable of holding within...
    10. Cazadragones

      Unknow Graphic Card

      hum... what? What thing? okay nothing... I found it: but... i can´t upload that, I upload it with Mega:!BghAWCzL!An7dudqcdJBUCOxiELRQ8txu447yb1_6IMfx4OW4LRg
    11. Cazadragones

      Unknow Graphic Card

      I used the StarMade Checker... and that its the .txt: I can´t run the game... only i can see the loading scene... and to reach to 100% it closed.