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    1. S

      When logging out while in a ship

      I think it would help admins a great deal if ship cores would act as an undeathinator when players log out of the game while in a ship core. I spend a lot of time locating and giving people ship cores to fly back to their ships that have floated away,
    2. S

      Decrease Weapons Range

      I believe to help with server issues, like people getting killed from non loaded ships or non loaded sectors, weapons range needs to be decreased. Right now the range of long range weapons is 4.8X the size of sectors and short range is 0.5X. I suggest the ratio is brought down to 0.5X for long...
    3. S

      Friendly Players Steam Group ( Now with StarMade server)

      Hello everyone, Friendly Players Steam group has a dedicated server for StarMade. It is up 24/7 99.99% of the time and we are looking for new members. Join us on our TS3 server to have some fun, UnknownBorders,net. Find us on the mutiplayer list "Steam Group Ts3"...